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Grant Information

Grant Information

There are many federal, state, and private grants available to meet a variety of needs. The grant protocol on the following pages explains the process to be followed when submitting grant proposals on behalf of Collierville Schools. Accounting for grants must follow the Tennessee Internal School Uniform Accounting Policy Manual.

The implementation of many programs and activities in Collierville Schools relies on the district receiving grant awards. Please direct any questions or need for assistance to Anita Floyd, CFO at (901) 286-6367.


A short time frame often exists between the announcement of a grant opportunity and the deadline for submission of an application or proposal. Adequate time must be allotted to complete the process for approval and submission of grant proposals. Please adhere to the steps outlined in this document to apply for grants.

Grant writing can be a very rewarding experience. Following the appropriate protocol/procedure will ensure that all requirements are met for receiving grant awards.

Please contact the Finance Department with any questions or concerns. The Finance Department is located at the Central Office on 215 W. Poplar Avenue, Collierville, TN. You may contact the CFO, Anita Floyd at (901) 286-6367.

Protocol for Submission of Grant Proposals

This protocol has been established for all grant proposals submitted by individuals, schools, and central office staff representing Collierville Schools. It is necessary to adhere to the following steps when submitting a grant proposal to ensure requirements established by Board policy are met:

  1. The Grant Proposal Summary must be filled out completely and submitted to the Finance Department two weeks prior to the submission of the grant to the Grantor. All Grant correspondence should flow through your school Financial Secretary. Once received by Central Office the Grant Proposal will be reviewed by Anita Floyd and returned to your Financial Secretary either approved, with possible changes noted, or requesting additional information. Once the Grant Proposal Summary is correct your Financial Secretary will receive written approval from Mrs. Floyd stating you may proceed with submitting the grant to the grantor.
  2. If the Superintendent, Board President, or a Departmental Chief’s signature is required on the Grant Proposal form the Finance Office will obtain the needed signatures. Please allow appropriate time to accommodate their different schedules. After the required signatures have been obtained the original grant may be picked up from Central Office for mailing to the grantor.
  3. The applicant (individual, school, or appropriate central office staff) is responsible for completing the Grant Proposal, requesting and receiving the appropriate approval and signatures, and then submitting the Grant to the grantor.
  4. The Finance Department must be informed of the grant award within one week of the applicant’s notification. Please forward a copy of the award letter to the Finance Department and school Financial Secretary.

Protocol for Receipt of Grant Awards

Grant award recipients may be notified in a variety of ways. Grantors may contact the applicant or the Superintendent. When the applicant is notified, please adhere to the following:

  1. Make a copy of the grant award letter and send it to the Finance Department within one week of receiving notification.
  2. Send copies of the annual reports that document progress under the grant to the Finance Department for the Superintendent’s review and for the grant’s file.
  3. If the Finance Department will be handling the accounting for the grant, send a copy of the grant budget and budget narrative to Anita Floyd, CFO so an account can be established. If the school will handle the accounting, send a copy of the grant budget and budget narrative to the school’s financial secretary.

Grant Proposal Summary Form

Please download the grant proposal summary form before completing the form.